Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Socio-cultural exchange - cultural diffusion

Explain how transnational corporations either intentionally or unintentionally spread consumerism through cultural diffusion.

Transnational corporations intentionally or unintentionally spread consumerism through cultural diffusion. Consumerism refers to a social and economic order and ideology that encourages the purchase of goods and services in ever-greater amounts, while cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural ideas from their place of origin to other regions, groups or nations. 

As the world is increasingly becoming globalized, cultures have been mixed, changed and disappeared due to new influences. Specifically, the language contributes on cultural diffusion. In the world, there is over six thousand languages while Mandarin, English and Spanish are most wisely spoken. Especially English becomes international language since it is used in media, business and transport. Moreover, as an international school student, I have met a lot of people from all different countries, which means that we all have different nationalities. When we discuss or have conversation together, we naturally speak in English without any doubt. In addition, as a Korean, I find some Korean words that have the same pronunciation and meaning with English words, which are also known as loanwords. (ex. nuance, coffee) We do not realize that those words are loanwords, and naturally use them. Due to a characteristic of naturalness of language, when it comes to consumerism, people  feel more comfortable with English named brands such as McDonald, KFC and Pizza Hut. 

Aside from the language, the sport is also influenced by cultural diffusion. For example, many people regard that the first country that recognizes the soccer as a professional game is England. However, today everyone plays a soccer at least once. Additionally, soccer is now international game in Olympic. It implies that cultural diffusion makes the soccer to be widely distributed all over the world. 


    1. I haven't thought about the example on language and I really like the way you explained it. I believe that there are so many English words that we, Koreans, use every day without noticing. Thinking about the English words I use when speaking Korean, I think 20~30% are English. I also like the example on sports because after reading your post, I have thought about sports that majority people play in Korea. After all, traditional sports or games in Korea became those that we play only on special occasions such as ChuSeok and SulNal.

    2. I agree with what you and Soeun said. According to the book that I read before, some of the languages will no longer be used because of Chinese and English. Also in Koreans, we can see some English words used in our expression. As an international student who is learning English, I can clearly see the cultural diffusion in language.

    3. This is an interesting conversation regarding language. How many English words do you think are used in Tagolog? What about other languages? Which language do you think borrows the most English words? Why?

      With regards to TNCs, what kind of effects do you think the infiltration of this foreign language is having on Korean? Languages are definitely disappearing, I think a lost more than you'd guess and so its definitely worth talking about these things.

      Finally, I like what you did in your last paragraph there with soccer. It seems like you took a chance with the writing and I commend you for it. How does geography shape soccer's popularity?
