Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Multi-governmental organizations -North American Free Trade Agreement

Korea-US Free Trade Agreement Two Years Out: Promise vs. Reality

Posted: Updated: 


Main Point: There was a second anniversary of free trade deal between South Korea and the United States. However, many Americans object this deal because the United States trade with South Korea deficit was around 20 billion dollars. Also, the promises made before Free Trade Agreement were not practiced. 


  1. Since the article was written in the perspective of Americans, I was able to see the situation from the different point of view. The last line of the article saying, "We've had 20 years of bad trade deals. Now it's time for fair trade policy that supports and benefits ordinary Americans." made me to really think about the trade agreement/promises being established among the nations. I, again, thought that some of the free trade agreements are entirely for certain transnational corporations but not for the ordinary people. After I read this article, I thought that Among the nations striving to expand their market, we really have to consider long-term effects and public profits that can contribute to the development of the economy of the nation in general. I loved reading this article anyways! =) ♥

  2. Very neat article indeed Jenny. It defintely got me thinking about the Trans-Pacific Parternship (TPP) and the United States' deliberate power shift to Asia. Did you know that president Obama is coming to Manila next month?
