Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Typhoon Haiyan

1. Why have some countries donated more in aid to the victims of Typhoon Haiyan than others?

This is because when countries donate help to other countries, they should consider their economic position and relationship. If they trade with the Philippines, they will try to donate more to keep this relationship in the future. Also, the countries think of their economy within the country and if they can afford, they donate more. 

2. How does the aid being sent to victims of Typhoon Haiyan represent the following:

altruism - Some countries have experienced the same things or feel that they belong to the disaster. Therefore, they want to help victims because they can imagine how poor condition they face. 

geopoliticsMost countries that donate aid are near the Philippines because they can send aid as quickly as possible since the victims are in emergency. 

economic interestsMany countries have some trade relationship with the Philippines, therefore they try to send aid in order to maintain their relationship.

neo-colonialism - some countries help the Philippines because they think that it is kind of duty since they know that they are superior to the Philippines. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Disaster Reflection

How does the devastation brought from Typhoon Haiyan make you feel?
There was a typhoon Haiyan last week and  "no school" made me happy at that moment. However, there were so many news which announced the number of victims and deaths and I became scared of even just little strong wind in our village. Aside from the news in the Philippines, I could find news about typhoon Haiyan in Korean sites on the Internet. It was even ranked on the 5th place on current issues ranking. My parents and friends in Korea called or sent messages to me and checked my condition and our village's conditions. 

How should people prepare for and respond to disasters like Typhoon Haiyan?

People should prepare for the disasters even if they believe that they will not be in troubles. As individuals, they should buy some emergency food and drinking water and some warm clothes or blankets for the harsh weather.Also, if they can afford, buying or renting some rooms in other areas is a good way to avoid direst damages. Basically, they should carefully listen the weather casts everyday. On the other hand, the government should pay more for building the stronger houses, roads and buildings. 

Why do people live in vulnerable areas?

Not all people can live in luxurious and safe places. This is because of economic disparities. They are not willing to live in vulnerable areas, but the areas are only affordable places for them.